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Charlie Connelly

Great European Lives: Søren Kierkegaard

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Rupert Brooke: Patriotic poetry’s perfect poster boy?

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Great European Lives: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

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50 years of Dan the Man

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Chaucer was a remainer

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Great European Lives: Max Linder

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Great European Lives: Roland Garros

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Why European sports books are so hit and miss

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Cities that leap from the page

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From Harold Pinter to Glengarry Glen Ross: The story of David Mamet – the Stateside Shakespeare

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Great European Lives: Paavo Nurmi

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Why libraries must be cherished

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Seeing the good from the trees

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Great European Lives: Karen Blixen

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Inverse outlook: How Germany’s war poets echoed the British

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Spike Milligan’s Puckoon: The slapstick classic that captures the absurdities of Brexit

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Schlump: The tragic story behind a forgotten masterpiece

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This book conjured seriously sinister reactions from obsessed fans

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European Literature: Can we expect Brexit novels in 2017?

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Why Farage and Trump are the poster boys for the Age of the Oaf

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Why I love the Eurostar

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