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Lee Anderson, documentary star

The Reform MP is the focus of a new YouTube film from the Daily Express. It's as good as you might expect

Lee Anderson coincidentally bumps into his mum in the Express documentary. Photo: YouTube

Yesterday’s Men. Love Tory. The War Room. All considered among the greatest political documentaries. And to that we must now add “Lee Anderson SAVAGES Starmer in angry town ready to make Farage PM”, the title of a YouTube documentary about the Reform MP produced by the Daily Express.

Presented by no doubt salt-of-the-earth journalist Zak Garner-Purkis, the film follows Anderson as he walks around his Ashfield constituency.

Within four seconds of it starting Anderson is expressing his opinion that Keir Starmer “could be a lizard” and before long he’s demonstrating his folksy wisdom, telling how he was asked: “‘Women have to put up with pregnancy and periods – what do men have to put up with?’ I said, well, men went to [the] Battle of the Somme.” Although a man in Ashfield would have to be a minimum of 127 years old to have taken part.

Then there’s the heart-warming moment Anderson coincidentally bumps into his dear old mum as he tours his constituency – a moment which might remind some of when he was caught out setting up a fake door-knock with a friend posing as a stranger for the benefit of TV cameras.

And as for that SAVAGING of Starmer? “Whenever I’ve been in his company or passed him he’s always been quite nice to me,” he says. What a mauling!

“SUBSCRIBE for more content on Lee Anderson in the coming days!,” says the Express. Just you try and stop us!

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