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Migrants not learning the local language? No problem, says GB News

The right-wing channel is urging those wanting a better life to move to another country - and learning the local lingo isn't necessary

Image: The New European

In search of a better life? Then simply move to another country – and don’t even bother learning the local language. That – confusingly for its viewers, who are used to foam-flecked rants against immigration – is the view of GB News!

The channel has run an interview on its website with an “expat in Cyprus” named only as Jack raving about the benefits of migrating to the Mediterranean island. “You feel relaxed here, with a holiday mood and ambience,” boasts Jack.

Can’t be bothered learning the local lingo? No bother. “It is very common for individuals to speak English,” notes GB News. “The only times a language barrier is noticeable is in the high mountains and rural villages, but Jack said the majority of expats do not go there.”

And, anyway, you probably don’t even need to mix with the natives. As the article points out, “the country is home to lots of expat hotspots such as Limassol and Larnaca” so you can just mix with them.

All worth remembering the next time a GB News host launches into a monologue about foreign ghettoes in Britain where people insist on speaking their own language!

Meanwhile, ‘Nigel Farage announces two huge defections in key seats’, ran a headline in the Daily Express at the weekend on a story of such enormity it required two reporters, including the paper’s deputy world news editor, Alice Scarsi.

And who were these huge defections? Household names Cathy Hunt and Joe Quinn, who represent Woodhouse Close and Ferryhill respectively on Durham Council. Quinn defected directly from the Conservatives, while Hunt went via a brief spell as an independent after quitting the Tories when she wasn’t selected for a seat under the council’s soon-to-be-redrawn boundaries.

“The defections mean Reform now has a total of three councillors on Labour-dominated Durham County Council, which has a total of 163 councillors, according to the local authority,” the paper reported breathlessly (it actually has a total of 126 councillors, of which Labour holds 56, or 44%, which is a peculiar definition of “Labour-dominated”).

If that’s not “world news”, what is?

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