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The Telegraph is being hypocritical – and it’s predictable to watch

A columnist at the paper has attacked “not-very-bright people” landing “well-paid sinecures”. So what's her CV like?

The Telegraph's historic offices. Photo: Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

“Trump is humiliating his woke enemies – and it’s a joy to watch,” runs the headline on a comment piece in today’s Daily Telegraph by its columnist Annabel Denham.

Glorifying in 48 hours of culture war by her hero – a man she refers to throughout as “The Donald” – Denham contrasts it with the Sodom and Gomorrah of Keir Starmer’s Britain, a world of “woke culture warriors subvert[ing] our institutions, embedd[ing] the doctrine of social justice in our companies” and “cancelled academics”.

“So forgive those of us on the unfashionable, low-status side of this argument if we succumb to momentary schadenfreude on hearing the news that Donald Trump is proscribing this pernicious ideology,” she writes.

Particularly upsetting to Denham is the problem of thick students getting to go to university and ending up falling into cushy non-jobs.

“Part of the problem is that we now send too many not-very-bright people to university, where campuses are often insufferably woke and standards painfully low,” she writes. “As a consequence, we are creating a generation of young people qualified for professional jobs but unable to find them. But DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] fills the gap, providing well-paid sinecures for these “educated” elites to fill. They won’t let them go lightly.”

Talking of “not-very-bright people” landing “well-paid sinecures”, might she use as an example someone who, since graduating from Manchester University with a degree in history and French in 2008, has had a string of jobs the country could arguably do without?

Such as a researcher for oddball Tory MP Peter Lilley, a press office intern at Conservative headquarters, a hack at Brexit-backing freesheet City AM, director of communications at the Institute of Economic Affairs – the right wing think tank which still insists Liz Truss was right about everything – and now a hell-in-a-handcart columnist for the Telegraph?

Yes… the self-proclaimed “low-status” Annabel Denham!

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