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Would you pay £41 for a Cameo appearance from Steve Baker?

The self-styled 'Brexit hardman' has been reduced to flogging videos of himself on a celebrity website

Former Conservative MP Steve Baker. Photo: Tejas Sandhu/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

“Skydiving, motorcycling, fast catamaran sailing – the wide range of things I’ll do,” responded self-styled Brexit ‘hardman’ Steve Baker when asked what he would do if he lost his seat at last year’s general election (which he did).

More recently the former European Research Group chairman launched ‘The Provocation People’, a body which “can help you transform your decision-making by systematically dismantling groupthink”.

Now, however, Baker’s career has taken another about-turn, with the former minister for state for Northern Ireland reduced to flogging videos of himself on celebrity website Cameo!

Steve Baker advertises his video services. Photo: Cameo

For just £41 anybody can bag themselves a bespoke video of the long-time Brexiteer, described on the site as “Rebel Commander. Government Tormentor in Chief. The General. Politician of the year. Godfather of the Conservative Right. The unlikeliest doyen of British-Irish relations. And Brexit Hard Man”.

As a taster for the sort of professional content one might expect for their forty-one quid, Baker has posted an introductory video of himself strolling past his former workplace, Parliament, saying: “It’s Steve Baker, right here, ready to surprise and delight, horrify, entertain and inform your friends and family. You know what to do. Press the buttons. Let’s rock ‘n’ roll. Let’s have some fun.”

The site suggests a short message from the erstwhile MP for Wycombe would be perfect for “weddings, retirements, or bachelor and bachelorette parties that call for a good laugh”, adding enticingly: “No matter the occasion, the video will be yours to keep – share the fun and relive the moment for years to come.” Don’t all rush at once!

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