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A big week for The New European… we won a major media award at the Society of Editor’s Press Awards.

The Chairman’s Award citation read:

‘When the Newspaper of the Year judging panel met the debate was as heated as ever. But the judges agreed unanimously that one newspaper deserved a special award.

It was launched in the immediate aftermath of the European referendum and was intended to be a pop-up lasting just four weeks.

The New European is still being published and has declared it will do so through this year. The New European is an unusual success – the counter-intuitive story of a new print launch in a digital age – and it has won praise from experts across the world.

And it hugely impressed our judges.’

We were incredibly thrilled and humbled to be picked out in this way. But The New European is a strong – and growing – community of people passionate about the UK’s future and the damaging effect of Brexit. So we accepted the award gratefully, and on behalf of all you – our readers, whether you read us online or (better still) buy the paper each week.

You can help sustain our journalism buy taking out a subscription, or by becoming a friend or a patron of The New European – you’ll find out how on our great website

Until next week,

Matt, editor.

PS: Happy St Patrick’s Day to all our Irish readers – and all those frantically trying to become Irish so they can hold onto the EU citizenship!


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