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Presenter lambasts Leaver MP for meeting Polish officials to request veto to Brexit extension

Daniel Kawczynski appears on Sky News with Adam Boulton. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

A British MP who has held meetings with senior Polish officials has suggested that the country owes it to Britain to block an extension to Article 50.

Daniel Kawczynski, a member of the European Research Group, has been trying to convince them to veto the request for more time for Brexit negotiations.

“Seriously?” asked Sky News presenter Adam Boulton as he appeared baffled by the Brexiteer’s attempts to overrule parliamentary sovereignty.

“Yes very much so. I think I would argue with my Polish friends in Warsaw when I speak to them in Polish that Britain has done more than any other country in my generation to help Poland.”

He continued: “Particularly in taking on Communism and the tyranny of Soviet oppression leading to Poland becoming an independent country and a member of NATO.”

The Mail on Sunday’s front page accuses Remain MPs of ‘foreign collusion’. Photograph: Mail On Sunday/Twitter. – Credit: Archant

Boulton, however, could not help but point out the irony of his claims.

He asked: “You are a British MP, what business is it of yours to go abroad to tell the Polish to do things?”

The Brexiteer insisted that it was “not in their interest” to negotiate another extension.

The presenter pointed out that it was “not his job to tell the Poles what is not in their interests”.

Kawczynski was not fazed by the line of questioning. He continued: “It’s our job to do anything which is legal and constitutional to ensure we leave on October 31st.”

Pointing to the Houses of Parliament, Boulton said: “Well you can do your job in there then, rather than go off to see the Poles.”

But the Brexiteer continued: “We have a hardcore Remainer parliament and Remainer MPs who are trying to block and thwart the will of the British people. So, of course, we hae to take whatever actions we need to.”

Asked if the Polish were inclined to side with the Brexiteers, the MP sounded less certain.

“The problem we have is that the EU acts like a sort of cartel – a mafia cartel.”

Bemused Boulton asked: “Democratic agreement around the table, that’s a mafia cartel, is it?”

But the Tory MP said: “They are all frightened of putting their heads above the parapet and being the one country that basically says there shouldn’t be an extension. But we’re hoping that Warsaw and Budapest combined might have the courage to actually do this. It is not in their interest to keep Britain tied to the European Union, we need to leave as we promised the British people”.

Earlier this month the Mail on Sunday used its front page to report that Number 10 were probing “foreign collusion”, in which it was claimed that Oliver Letwin “had received help drafting the bill from members of the French government”.

In the latest twist, the ERG are looking to push the government to make it a crime to “undermine official government negotiations” using a private member’s bill in the name of MP Andrea Jenkyns.

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