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‘Are you insane?’ – Brexiteer questioned over enthusiasm for no deal Brexit

Mark Francois and Adam Boulton clash on All Out Politics on Sky News. Photograph: Sky News. - Credit: Archant

Tory Brexiteer MP Mark Francois’ enthusiasm for the UK crashing out of the European Union on March 29th was questioned by a news host who asked if he was ‘insane’.

Francois told Sky News that Britain was set to still exit the EU in less than 80 days time, even if MPs vote against Theresa May’s deal.

The vice chair of the European Research Group said: ‘The legal position is that if there is no agreement then the country will leave on the 29th March under EU law, under article 50 and under UK law, without a deal. That is the default position.’

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But while trying to remain polite, a smiling Adam Boulton simply asked: ‘I have got to ask you, are you insane?’

The Brexiteer appeared to be taken a back by the question before denying it when he realised the presenter was serious.

He continued: ‘I say that because Boris Johnson two days before the referendum said it was insane to talk about leaving the European Union without a deal.’

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Francois, however, said he thought insane was ‘a little strong’ – preferring to call himself ‘quirky.’

‘Ultimately we do want a deal and the deal we want is called Super Canada.

‘And that is a free trade agreement and it is called Super Canada because it is based in principal on the deal that the EU have already signed with Canada.

Boulton persevered by explaining that Boris Johnson’s comments show that it wasn’t what people who voted Leave voted for.

‘Leaving without a deal is not something that those that advocating Brexit argued for in the course of the referendum campaign.

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‘Therefore it is untrue to suggest that it in anyway reflects what people voted for.’

A rattled Francois, however, hit back at the host, telling Boulton: ‘The people voted to leave the European Union. It was a choice in principle, did they want to remain in the EU or leave the European Union. They voted very clearly to leave by a majority of well over a million votes.

‘Even Diane Abbott knows that is a big number!

‘So the British people decided to leave so us as parliamentarians one way or another have to honour that decision.’

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