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Alastair Campbell: Boris Johnson has been ‘exposed for what he is’ over the Dominic Cummings story

Alastair Campbell slams Dominic Cumming's press conference. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Former Downing Street director of communications Alastair Campbell has slammed Boris Johnson’s government for focusing on Dominic Cummings rather than the coronavirus pandemic.

The New European editor-at-large appeared on Sky News after Cummings’ press conference to say that he does not care if Johnson keep his senior adviser in post or not, because it shows the government up for who they are.

He described Cummings’ statement as a ‘car crash’ and said that it is ‘beyond belief’ they are focused more on media reaction to Cummings than the coronavirus pandemic.

He explained: ‘Whether he was in breach of the lockdown rules, I don’t have any doubt about that whatsoever.

‘And I think it is clear from the tone and tenor of all of the other questions, and I think they were reflecting… what viewers are thinking about the utter hypocrisy at the heart of this.

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‘The other thing that is beyond belief here is that we are in the middle of crisis. The prime minister and the cabinet, their full attention should be on how to get us through this crisis, which they’ve handled so badly from start to finish.

‘But they were all, all afternoon, sitting at their television looking at their Twitter feeds trying to work out what the right-wing media are saying.

‘They are the most pathetic, craven bunch of people, and they do not deserve to be there.

‘I am moving to the place where I sort of hope he stays, because they’re all done now for this if they’re not careful.

‘So I don’t care what Johnson does, he’s been exposed for what he is, he’s a liar and a charlatan, and not up to the job.

‘Cummings – you’ve seen what he is today.

He added: ‘I find it shameful that this is our government at this time of crisis. I find it utterly shameful.’

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