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Lecturer: ‘Why I am considering moving back to Spain because of Brexit’

University lecturer Alfredo Castro Jimenez says he is considering moving back to Spain because of Brexit. Photograph: Victoria Pertusa. - Credit: Archant

In a new video series, The New European meets some of the 3 million EU citizens living in the UK. Here we meet ALFREDO CASTRO, a university lecturer, who is considering moving back to Spain because of Brexit.

There are fewer than 100 days left until the UK leaves the European Union and there is not a clear path in sight. While all eyes are on whether Theresa May’s deal will pass, whether there will be a People’s Vote or a no deal Brexit, there is a large group of citizens living more apprehensive about their future than most.

They are the nearly 4 million EU citizens that live in the UK.

They have no say or voice on what happen with their lives in the UK.

In a new series for The New European some of those EU citizens share their personal stories on how the EU referendum has impacted their lives, the uncertainty they have faced since the vote back in 2016 and how Brexit is impacting their families, jobs, and future plans.

In the first of our series we speak to Alfredo Castro Jimenez, a university lecturer, who is now considering moving back to Spain after 6 years living in the UK.

Jimenez warns that the United Kingdom has a lot more to lose than win because of Brexit.

• Are you an EU citizen with a personal Brexit story to share in our video series? Email with more information.

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