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Post-Brexit Britain will be more Love Actually than Mad Max, claims Andrea Leadsom

Britain will be more like Love Actually than a Mad Max-style dystopia after it leaves the EU, Andrea Leadsom claimed today.

The Commons leader and ill-fated Tory leadership contender likened the UK’s life outside the EU to the twee, dated romantic comedy, as she dismissed suggestions that it was heading towards an apocalypse.

Brexit secretary David Davis said in a speech on Tuesday that people feared Brexit “could lead to an Anglo-Saxon race to the bottom, with Britain plunged into a Mad Max-style world borrowed from dystopian fiction”.

During Business questions in the Commons, Mrs Leadsom was asked by the SNP’s Commons leader, Pete Wishart, if MPs could debate “what other dystopian nightmares Brexit is not going to be quite like”.

He said: “Maybe Apocalypse Now, or Apocalypse In A Couple of Years? Or Children Of Men?

“Though my favourite would have to be the Matrix, where we have a bunch of clueless fantasists living in an alternative world believing that they can impose their version of reality on everyone else – it couldn’t be more apt than that.”

There were groans from MPs as Mrs Leadsom replied: “He talks about our life outside the EU; in my own opinion, it’s much less Mad Max and far more Love Actually.”

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