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Andrea Leadsom says she ‘trusts what Boris Johnson has to say’ about relationship with entrepreneur

Andrea Leadsom appears on Sky News to discuss Thomas Cook and the Jennifer Arcuri accusations about Boris Johnson. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Andrea Leadsom has claimed she ‘trusts what Boris Johnson has to say’ about his relationship with an ex-model and entrepreneur as she hinted an propriety and ethics team investigation would take place.

Jennifer Arcuri is alleged to have been given public money and access to overseas trade missions while Boris Johnson was mayor of London.

In media interviews the prime minister has dodged questions over a report in the Sunday Times which revealed she was given £126,000 in public money.

Failing to address accusations about his relationship with Arcuri, Johnson told Sky News: “We did a huge amount of work while I was mayor of London selling our fantastic city around the world, beating the drum for London and the UK.

“I’m very proud of what we did. Everything was done with complete propriety and in the normal way.”

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme business minister Andrea Leadsom dismissed the story.

She said: “The prime minister has said he’s acted with propriety at all times and I’m happy with that.”

She continued: “If there needs to be an investigation then I’m sure that there will be, but I’m comfortable with the prime minister’s assurances.

“I think I am totally committed to openness and transparency and treating people fairly and I think that also extends to the prime minister. He has said he has acted with propriety, if there is an investigation then that will be a matter for the investigators, all I’m saying is I’m not aware of the details.”

Appearing on Sky News the minister said it was a “matter for the propriety and ethics team” before adding “I am quite sure they will be looking at it”.

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