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Leadsom says she doesn’t do predictions… but says future is bright for Brexit Britain

Leader of the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom arrives in Downing Street. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Commons leader Andrea Leadsom has said that she can see a ‘bright future’ for Brexit Britain – shortly after saying she doesn’t ‘do predictions’.

The former Conservative leadership candidate and ‘arch Brexiteer’ was touring radio studios to rally support for Theresa May’s Brexit deal.

On the BBC’s Today programme she was asked if Theresa May would be the right person to lead the Tories if she lost the Brexit vote.

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‘She certainly is at the moment…’ Leadsom hesistantly informed listeners.

Pressed again to answer whether she would be the right person when the vote is lost, she added: ‘I have never, and will not, start predicting the future… I don’t do predictions ever.’

Leadsom shortly after appeared on LBC giving a prediction on Brexit Britain.

Echoing comments she made before the EU referendum, she told Nick Ferrari: ‘I am a very strong arch Brexiteer, I genuinely believe that we have a bright future ahead of us when we leave the EU.

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‘And so all the way through I’ve had conflicting thoughts and I’ve had to consider whether I can live with things, but at the end of the day this deal is the best combination that we’re going to get and so I just urge colleagues to look at it carefully to give it a real chance.’

She also said that the government’s three defeats – including one that found it to be in contempt of Parliament – were ‘not embarrassing at all’.

She added: ‘I think colleagues may live to regret their vote last night if they are ever in government.

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‘A number will understand the government has to have access to frank, legal advice and now that has been put into doubt.’

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