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Andrew Bridgen calls Supreme Court ruling ‘worst possible outcome for democracy’

Andrew Bridgen reacted to the Supreme Court's ruling against the government as an "absolute disgrace". Picture: BBC - Credit: BBC

A Brexiteer backbencher has said that the Supreme Court ruling which found that Boris Johnson acted unlawfully in proroguing parliament was an ‘absolute disgrace’.


The unanimous ruling has found against the government and that Boris Johnson misled the Queen.

The hardline Brexiteer and Johnson loyalist contradicted BBC Politics Live presenter Jo Coburn, who put it to him that the verdict was “the worst possible outcome for Boris Johnson”.

He said instead it was “the worst possible outcome for democracy”.

MORE: Crowds chant ‘Johnson out’ as MPs and campaigners react to Supreme Court judgementLooking thoroughly miserable at the verdict, Bridgen said: “We need Boris to be strong.”

He continued: “It’s the worst possible outcome for our democracy.

“I think that what we’ve got is a parliament that is completely out of step with the sentiment of the country, they’re holding our democracy to ransom, they’re completely ignoring the vote we had in 2016 to leave the European Union.”

The BBC host pointed out: “They’re not, though. They’re just making a ruling about the suspension.” Ignoring her, Bridgen said: “It’s an absolute disgrace.”

“What we’re going to see now is the speaker effectively taking control of parliament and playing to the Remainers’ tune until October 31 when he resigns.

Supreme Court judges have empowered speaker of the house John Bercow to decide to reopen parliament, which has voted consistently against Johnson’s government. 
Bridgen characterised this as a “zombie parliament that won’t go back to the people”, despite the calls – resisted by Johnson – within parliament for a second referendum on Brexit.

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