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Widdecombe: I’ll share a platform with anyone as long as they support Brexit

Ann Widdecombe on Sky News. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Brexit Party candidate Ann Widdecombe has claimed the Tory Party has gone ‘mad’ over the leadership contest, and said she will share a party with anyone if they support Brexit.

Widdecombe dismissed claims that the Brexit Party had “thrown petrol on the fire” ahead of the EU elections.

She said: “I think you have to face the fact that the nation is pretty angry. That is why. It’s turned against the two main parties, it’s angry with the fudge, it’s angry with the obsfucation.

“My former party has gone mad – it’s now got 13 candidates for the leadership. Spare me.
”We have tapped into a vein of anger and frustration, but it’s for a very clear aim. To deliver what people asked for.”

She said that Nigel Farage was right not to produce a manifesto for the latest elections, dismissing claims it was because the 29 MEPs were so split on policy.

“You’ll get that for a general election, and you will.

“I think Nigel Farage was absolutely right to resist the pressure for a manifesto and a broad range of policies for this election, for this simple reason, we had one policy and it was to leave without a deal.

“That took us to the top of the poll. Nobody can say that they voted for you for other reasons.”

Asked about her previous controversial comments on gay conversion therapy, she dismissed the relevance.

“I do not imagine for one moment that the Brexit Party will be putting forward a policy on gay sex changes in its manifesto.”

The presenter pointed out that there will be policies on equality.

On fellow MEP Claire Fox and her comments about the Warrington bombings, she defended the politician and said she had lost a very good friend in the Brighton bomb planted by the IRA.

She said: “You’re just completely looking for things that doesn’t actually determine people’s votes. What determines people’s votes is the big policies and we’ll have that.”

She added: “I can stand on a platform with her because we’re united in our aim to get Britain out of the EU, and in case anyone out there is forgetting it, that is the aim of the Brexit Party.”

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