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Soubry: Corbyn has been a ‘complete sell-out’ on a People’s Vote

Anna Soubry speaks on Channel 4 News about a People's Vote. Photograph: Channel 4. - Credit: Archant

Independent Group MP Anna Soubry has criticised Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of a People’s Vote after he failed to mention it in his speech setting out Labour’s next steps.

Anna Soubry is a People’s Vote campaign supporter. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Soubry claimed on Channel 4 News that the Labour leader was ‘talking out his backside’ if he thinks that he can command a majority on his Brexit plan in the House of Commons.

‘I’m hugely disappointed that yet again the Labour Party has sold out. No mention by Corbyn in his speech about a People’s Vote, and he’s already said tonight, his amendment to tomorrow’s motion will be about his deal, and no mention to a People’s Vote.

‘He’s a complete sell-out and I’m afraid my Labour colleagues, as they are, in the People’s Vote need to wake up to the fact that Jeremy Corbyn is not going to push a People’s Vote as he should be doing in the House of Commons.’

Asked about Jeremy Corbyn pushing his Brexit plan she said that he was ‘talking out his rear end.’

‘He isn’t. He keeps on losing it time and time again, and then he keeps calling for a general election. He’s pratting around, he’s doing it all deliberately. We all know he’s a Brexiteer, he wants us to leave the European Union. The last thing he wants is a People’s Vote.

‘You’ve got a conspiracy where both front benches deny this matter going back to the British people. This is the only way to resolve the problem.’

Corbyn was criticised by anti-Brexit campaigners on social media for failing to yet table a motion in support of a second referendum, but some in the campaign said prior to the vote that this week was not the time to call for a second referendum in Commons.

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Alastair Campbell said: ‘There will be People’s Vote supporters who think it is important to show that backing for a referendum is growing not just among the public, but among MPs

‘The day for that will come. It is not Tuesday, which must belong to May being made to see her deal will not – and cannot – fly.’

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