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Anna Soubry: I feel marginalised in my own party

Anna Soubry on ITV's Peston programme (Image: ITV) - Credit: Archant

Tory Remainer MP Anna Soubry has said that she feels ‘marginalised’ in the Conservative party and has warned that Theresa May is pitching for a ‘blindfolded’ Brexit.

The MP criticised her party for banning a People’s Vote event from the conference arena and even the programme.

‘But Boris Johnson could have a blatant leadership bid – a dreadful attempt to undermine the prime minister at the most critical time of negotiations in a decade – and was allowed to happen in the conference centre.’

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She told Peston: ‘That worries me about the direction of travel.’

Soubry also said that Theresa May is now pitching for a ‘blindfold Brexit’ because her Chequers plan will not pass.

She explained: ‘There will be a deal on security and there will be a deal on EU citizens and other important things, but when it comes to trade there will be no deal.’

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She said instead there will be a ‘general statement of intent’ which will just be ‘nice and sweet words about our future relationship’ devoid of ‘flesh on the bones’.

‘It’s a blindfolded Brexit, and there will be no deal as we were promised.’

She added: ‘David Davis as secretary of state said in the House of Commons that the government would deliver the ‘exact same benefits of the single market and customs union’ and I know because it was in answer to my question.’

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