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Anti-Brexit campaigners to send Europe a message from the White Cliffs of Dover on January 31st

Anti-Brexit campaigners wave Union and European Union flags outside the Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Pro-EU campaigners are crowdfunding to display a massive pro-EU banner on the White Cliffs of Dover ahead of Brexit.

Set up by South East England MEP Antony Hook on Friday, the campaign has raised more than double the £5,500 target over the weekend.

The message will include a European flag and will read: “We still love EU.”

“The phenomenal success of this appeal demonstrates how passionately people in this country feel about sending a positive message to the EU,” Hook said.

He added: “This banner is much bigger than leave or remain. It is about communicating our appreciation for our nearest neighbours and our hope that we will continue to have the best possible relationship with them in the future.”

Hook said the campaign would continue to fundraise despite meeting its target, saying he and his team had “more exciting plans to make sure our message is heard right across the continent”.

A spokesman for the Liberal Democrat MEP said the banner will be displayed at the top of the cliffs and a drone sent over to capture the image.

There are a number of Brexit celebrations planned for the evening of January 31, including a street party in Parliament Square.

Union Jacks are due to be flown around Parliament Square and a clock counting down the minutes to 11pm will be projected on Downing Street.

A procession of pro-EU activists walking from Downing Street to The European Commission in St. John Smith Square is also planned.

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