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What are you stockpiling ahead of Brexit?

Remainers rallying against Brexit in London.

Gin, tea bags, baked beans or pies – what are you storing away for the day the UK leaves the EU?

The government recently revealed that it is planning to stockpile drugs, blood, and food should it fail to agree a deal with the European Union.

With politicians like Jeremy Hunt warning that a ‘no deal’ Brexit is a distinct possibility we asked The New European readers to come up with a list of what they would store in their homes ahead of Britain’s departure.

Recommendations from readers included gin and wine, toilet rolls, and a very British suggestion of tea bags.

Other ideas included pies, marmite and fifty years’ worth of baked beans. Enough to see you through until those Brexit ‘benefits’ are meant to kick in.

Some went for more practical solutions like their own personal medication, ammunition to keep your stockpiles safe, and SAS survival guides.

Those thinking outside the box said they would stock up on Eurostar tickets, Irish passports, and humble pie for that thought Brexit would be good.

The final thought went to those that suggested ‘hope’. Spiritunicorn tweeted that ‘it’s always the last thing to go’.

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