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Bad Boys of Brexit threaten court action … bring it on

Arron Banks and Nigel Farage Photo: PA / Ben Birchall - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

So, it turns out the Bad Boys of Brexit were actually very bad indeed.

Now Leave.EU backer Arron Banks has vowed to take the Electoral Commission to court over the £70,000 fine they have dished out.

This is great news.

Speaking on the Today programme he said: ‘We view the Electoral Commission announcement as a politically-motivated attack on Brexit and the 17.4 million people who defied the establishment to vote for an independent Britain.

‘The EC went big game fishing and found a few ‘aged’ dead sardines on the beach. So much for the big conspiracy. What a shambles. We will see them in court.’

He added that the commission was made up of ‘former MPs, liberal MPs, the SNP, former Labour leaders of councils, all sorts of people that all believe in Remain’.

So serious are the EC’s findings that Leave.EU’s chief executive, Liz Bilney, has been referred to the police.

Court is exactly where these allegations should be played out. If we want to truly get to the bottom of what happened during the referendum regarding spending – and the Reamin campaign have not been immune from allegations either – the laws of the land must be employed.

So Banks wants to go to court? Bring it on I say.

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