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New billboard campaign highlights 0.3% of the nation will decide next prime minister

The new Led By Donkeys billboard campaign. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

A new billboard campaign highlights how just 0.3% of the nation will get to decide Britain’s next prime minister.

The campaign, launched by Led By Donkeys, will see billboards appear across the UK to inform people of just how few will get a say in who gets the keys to Number 10.

The group tweeted: “The Conservative Party is about to foist a charlatan on our country and 99.7% of us are being given no say whatsoever.”

The first billboards have gone up in Christchurch in Dorset and in Greenwich.

The videos and photographs are gaining traction on social media.

One tweeted: “Democracy is very flexible in the world of Brexit. When it suits you, a 52% majority is the will of the people.

“If that’s not convenient and you want to avoid letting voters change their minds, a 0.3% minority is the will of the people.”

Another said: “17 Million people did NOT vote for Boris.

“17 Million people did NOT vote for @Jacob_Rees_Mogg ‘s version of Brexit.

“17 Million people did NOT vote to have a new financial crisis foisted upon them.”

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