Retailer Poundland is to bring the nation together by selling both blue and red passport covers for both sides of the Brexit debate.
The Brexit-inspired passport covers mean that those Brexiteers who wanted out of the European Union so that they could have blue passports can finally live out their dream at an affordable price.
It will include the message: ‘Great Britain and Northern Ireland only.’
Meanwhile, the red covers for Remainers includes a defiant pro-EU message that reads ‘still proud to be European’.
‘Whether you’re a Europhile or a Europhobe, Poundland’s got you covered,’ Mark Pym, the company’s marketing controller, said.
The government announced that blue passports would return in October 2019 after the UK has left the European Union – the ‘iconic’ colour that was imposed by the League of Nations back in the 1920s.
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