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‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus photobombs the Six O’Clock News

The 'Bollocks to Brexit' bus appears on ITV News. Photograph: ITV. - Credit: Archant

The ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus photobombed the national television news on its final lap of the country.

There were red faces at ITV News as the bright yellow protest bus passed its cameras as it broadcasted live to the nation from outside the Houses of Parliament.

Viewers thought it was appropriate that the bus sporting the ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ message should pass-by as political correspondent Carl Dinnen reported on the consequences of austerity and homelessness.

Social media users were quick to point out the appearance of the bus to the reporter.

MORE: ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus arrives at the Irish border

EU Supergirl Madeleina Kay stands in front of the “Bollocks to Brexit” campaign bus as it stops just across the border from Northern Ireland in Co Louth. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire – Credit: PA

One said in a tweet to Dinnen: ‘Timing is everything.’

Another said: ‘ITV News could not have timed that report better outside Westminster tonight!’

It is not the first time the ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus has photobombed a report on television news.

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The protest bus was spotted behind BBC News anchor Sophie Raworth at the start of the nationwide tour as it left Westminster to hit the roads of the UK.

The “Bollocks to Brexit” campaign bus leaves Westminster. Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

The “Bollocks to Brexit” campaign bus prepares to leave Westminster. Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

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