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Publication of Russian interference report ‘months not weeks away’

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the State Council in Moscow, Russia. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko) - Credit: AP

Boris Johnson’s claim that publication of the report on Russian interference is ‘weeks away’ has been refuted by a journalist.

Mark Urban, BBC Newsnight’s diplomatic editor, has claimed that the report is not likely to be published until later in the spring or even summer.

Earlier this week Boris Johnson squirmed as he was asked questions about the publication date by BBC Breakfast.

He said: “It will be published in due course.

“I don’t know exactly when it’s going to be published. There’s absolutely no reason it should not be published.”

When pressed for a time-frame he said: “Weeks. I don’t know how many”.

But Urban tweeted: “I’m told it’s likely some time between April and June.”

He explained that only the new Intelligence and Security Committee can release the report as the findings were put together by the committee under former chairman Dominic Grieve.

Urban said that Number 10 has made a series of redactions to the report. He said that there are “no astounding revelations on election interference” and that it will remain a “mystery” what are behind the redactions and why it was not put out before the election.

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