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Majority of British people don’t believe Boris Johnson has got Brexit ‘done’

Prime mnister Boris Johnson speaking at a press conference on the election trail. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA. - Credit: PA

A new poll has revealed that a majority of British people do not believe Brexit is ‘done’, despite his claim that the issue is now ‘receding in the past behind us’.

The poll conducted by Ipsos MORI for Evening Standard after Brexit day on January 31st, found that only 15% thought he had ‘completely’ fulfilled his pledge before the election to get Brexit done.

A further 29% thought he had ‘mostly’ fulfilled his pledge, while 36% thought ‘to some extent’ he had honoured his promise.

Nine per cent said he had ‘hardly’ achieved what he had intended to do, with 8% arguing he had not fulfilled the his promise at all.

It suggests a significant majority believe he has plenty still to do to get the process completed, which may explain why Johnson is attempting to get his government to stop referencing Brexit.

The polling finds Johnson is continuing to enjoy a honeymoon period after the election, with 49% think he is doing a good job compared to 40% disagreeing, but that could swiftly change.

Some 29% think the economy will get better for them in the year ahead compared to 42% who think it will get worse.

Gideon Skinner, Ipsos MORI’s head of political research, said: “Although the Conservatives keep a strong lead, helped by Labour weakness, there is no room for complacency.

“Political honeymoons don’t always last, and overall pessimists still outnumber optimists, while concerns about the NHS, the environment and opportunities for young people haven’t gone away. And although it played an important part in his success, even his own supporters don’t think he’s completely put Brexit to bed yet.”

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