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Truss insists she can secure a Brexit deal with Trump which will benefit consumers and farmers

International trade secretary Liz Truss on the phone during initial trade talks. Picture: Liz Truss/Twitter. - Credit: Liz Truss

International trade secretary Liz Truss has insisted that she can secure a deal with Donald Trump which will benefit workers, farmers and consumers.

Truss hopes talks will now proceed at an ‘accelerated pace’ to deliver a ‘comprehensive’ deal after the first round of transatlantic negotiations.

The minister said that during the talks, conducted remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic, ‘a number of areas showed particular progress’.

Negotiators ‘identified a mutually high ambition for services, investment and digital trade’, she said.

‘Both sides also set out a mutual commitment to creating new opportunities for businesses on both sides of the Atlantic and to delivering benefits for workers, consumers and farmers.’

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The negotiators will ‘quickly pursue’ a standalone chapter covering small and medium-sized firms.

The talks involved around 100 officials on each side covering almost 30 different areas.

Truss and her counterpart, US trade representative Robert Lighthizer, have agreed a second round of virtual talks will take place in the weeks of June 15 and 22.

‘Both sides are hopeful that negotiations for a comprehensive trade agreement can proceed at an accelerated pace,’ Truss said.

It follows reports that Truss is working on a ‘big concession package’ to secure a trade deal with America.

Critics have warned that striking a deal will require Britain to accept looser US food and environmental standards, shafting farmers, as well as opening up the NHS to American firms – something the government denies.

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