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‘You’ve got dandruff’ – Boris Johnson heckled on visit to Salisbury

Boris Johnson during a walkabout at a Christmas Market in Salisbury. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Boris Johnson has been heckled on his visit to Salisbury – firstly by being told he has dandruff, and secondly while on the Christmas market.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a visit to the Kent Event Centre, Maidstone. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

Initially the prime minister was visiting veterans living near Salisbury when one commented on his appearance.

“You’ve got dandruff on you,” Paul O’Rourke told the prime minister as they chatted either side of the window of his room.

The 56-year-old, who served in the Royal Irish Rangers, was answering questions on his new accommodation as the pair talked amicably and shook hands.

O’Rourke had explained how he previously lived in a tent before moving to other accommodation and then arriving at the Wilton Veterans Hub in recent days.

But as Johnson walked away from O’Rourke he called him back to point out the problem.

The prime minister laughed it off as he brushed his jacket.

“I’ve got to watch out for that, thank you,” he told the veteran.

Speaking to journalists afterwards, the veteran said: “Someone had to say something.”

Johnson later visited the Salisbury Christmas Market, arriving to some cheers, although there was some heckling among the messages of support during his walkabout.

He stopped at a Turkish Delight stall, selling a tub to a customer while staning in front of a sign which read: “Simply nuts and olives”.

He told the stallholders: “My ancestors come from Turkey.”

One stall tried to tempt the PM with a slate house sign, to which he replied: “Not just now.”

Shouts aimed at Johnson included “Vote Labour”, “Get Brexit done” and “Tell me how many children you’ve got” – to which he did not reply.

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