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Only person who has managed to ‘take back control’ is Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson poses for a photograph in front of a union flag. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

A reader says the only person taking control after Brexit is Boris Johnson.

Having purged his party of moderate Tories and his cabinet of potential dissenters, thereby turning it into a politburo of parrots, Boris Johnson has now taken over the Treasury, and crowned himself, if not world king as was his childhood dream, effectively dictator of the United Kingdom.

I thought every one of us was meant to “take back control”? It seems only one guy has achieved that goal.

Paul Smith

Boris Johnson will go down history as Bogus Bridges Boris. As the Scotland to Northern Ireland bridge may pass over a million tonnes of arms and two tonnes of nuclear waste, even though it won’t ever be finished we might at least get a super fireworks display out of it.

Roger Watts, Walsall

The idea of a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland is certainly silly, but the proposal for a rail tunnel between Portpatrick in Wigtownshire and Whitehead in County Antrim has been around since 1890 and makes much better sense in an age of increasing public transport. However, it should wait for Scottish independence and Irish reunification, at which point it will become an important EU infrastructure project.

Philip Stewart, Oxford

The copious comments about the suggested bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland have inspired me to quote a few lines of a poem about a doomed bridge:

‘Twas about seven o’clock at night,

and the wind it blew with all its might;

And the rain came pouring down,

and the dark clouds seem’d to frown;

And the demon of the air seem’d to say:

‘I’ll blow down the bridge of Bojo.’

With thanks to William Topaz McGonagall and his immortal lines on the Tay Bridge disaster of 1879. I claim artistic licence for the alternative last word!

Robert Boston

Kingshill, Eirebrushed

Seeing the clip of the first meeting of the new cabinet reminded me of some of the Egyptian hieroglyphs on Only Connect: Liars’ chorus, twisted facts, lie on and at least two weeds.

Phil Green

– The fight may have changed but the cause remains. Buy The New European every Thursday to read the full mailbag of letters. To have your say email letters@theneweuropean and join our readers’ group for more debate.

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