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Boris Johnson mocked after announcing he’s joining Snapchat

Boris Johnson's profile on Snapchat. Photograph: Snapchat. - Credit: Archant

Boris Johnson has been mocked after announcing he’s joining multimedia message platform Snapchat.

The prime minister announced the move with a tweet shortly before he was due to deliver his keynote speech at the Conservative conference in Manchester, saying it would give followers a chance to “see more about what I’m doing as your prime minister”.

The prime minister used his first posts on Snapchat to reiterate his priorities, including “get Brexit done”, “better hospitals” and “20,000 more police”.

Johnson has more than a million followers on his personal Twitter account, nearly 750,000 on Facebook and around 200,000 on Instagram.

The move to join Snapchat will viewed by Tory HQ as an attempt to connect with younger voters.

The app, which has 203 million daily users according to figures released this summer, is perhaps best known for its popular face filters.

“Someone’s been having more technology lessons,” joked Marc Morris in reference to the Jennifer Arcuri story.

“Katie Hopkins nudes incoming…” scoffed another.

“Is this… a parody account?” responded Emma Whizz.


“Glad he’s using his time productively” said Paul Perkins.

“A platform on which anything said/done is erased and forgotten after 24 hours? how on brand. Kudos”, said Liam O’Toole.

“Or you can resign and become an Influencer as a full time job” replied Matt Johnson.

“Last thing that app needs is more dick pics” joked Dai Lama.


“Hey Boris, Ellen DeGeneres just called… she wants her avi back” tweeted Jonathan Pie.

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