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Boris Johnson questioned why public should follow rules when people close to him flout them

Boris Johnson during a media briefing in Downing Street, London, on coronavirus. Photograph: Pippa Fowles/10 Downing Street/Crown Copyright/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Boris Johnson has been asked why the public should follow coronavirus lockdown rules when the people around him appears to flout them.

Appearing at the latest Downing Street briefing ahead of pubs, hairdressers and hotels reopening, a reporter said: ‘Your father travelled to Greece against non-essential travel advice. Dominic Cummings was seen to have broken the spirit of the lockdown rules by travelling to County Durham.

‘Why should the public obey all of the rules that you are putting out at the moment on the pubs reopening when it does feel as though those close to you flout the rules?’

But a disgruntled looking Boris Johnson said Durham police had made it clear that they were not pursuing the case over his senior adviser, and refused to comment on his father Stanley reportedly flying to Greece in apparent breach of Foreign Office guidance to avoid non-essential travel.

He said: ‘Durham Police made it clear they were not pursuing that.

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‘I make it a normal practice not to comment on the movements and doings of my family.

‘When you look at what the British public have done over the last three months it has been a phenomenal effort to follow the guidance and get this thing under control.

‘People have worked together and done an absolutely heroic job. We have got to keep that going now.’

During the briefing, the experts were also asked about Jacob Rees-Mogg’s remarks about buying a ‘yard of ale’ when the pubs reopen.

Professor Chris Whitty told the public to ‘stick to sensible guidelines on drinking’ if they are planning on heading to the pub this weekend.

When asked if Britons should consider drinking a yard glass of ale to help maintain social distancing as suggested by Jacob Rees-Mogg, he said: ‘I seem to remember Mr Rees-Mogg said he would buy the yard but didn’t say he would drink it.

‘People clearly need to stick to the usual sensible guidelines on drinking and enjoy it.’

The PM added: ‘I can certainly tell you I will buy and drink a pint but not a yard and I will repeat the message to everybody that this is a big turning point for us, we’ve got to get it right.

‘Let’s work together and enjoy summer safely.’

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