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Boris Johnson says he doesn’t know when Russia report will be released

Boris Johnson is asked about the Russia report on BBC Breakfast. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Prime minister Boris Johnson has said that he does not know when the report into Russian interference in British democracy will be released.

Appearing on BBC Breakfast Johnson was asked when it would be released, after the prime minister appeared to finally authorise the release when he was re-elected in December.

“You promised it wouldn’t be pushed into the long grass,” said presenter Dan Walker, “so when will we see it?”

Shrugging Johnson responded: “It will be published in due course.”

He added: “I don’t know exactly when it’s going to be published. There’s absolutely no reason it should not be published.”

Walker pressed him on how soon it will be published. “Weeks? Months?” he asked.

MORE: What has the government got to hide with Jennifer Arcuri and Russian interference?

“Weeks,” said Johnson throwing his hands up in the air. “I don’t know how many”.

With an air of awkwardness in the room the prime minister dismissed any concerns about the content of the report.

“There’s nothing to, erm, I happen to have read it and I think that after all that clamour in the election campaign they’re going to be disappointed… but anyway it’ll appear.”

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