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WATCH: BrexFit – gym launches class for Brits to work off their Brexit frustrations

A gym has launched a special class for Brits angered by Brexit to punch and kick their frustrations away.

London fitness chain Gymbox has – with tongue only partially lodged in cheek – launched its Brexfit class at its Victoria branch today, consisting of a series of high-intensity exercises specially designed to maximise frustration release and allow Remain-voting Londoners to unload their anger.

The 30-minute class includes politically supercharged workout stations including the Politician Punchbag, the Jacob Rees-Logg Lift and Theresa May Sack Race, adorned with the hapless PM’s face.

There is even a Cameron Quitters Corner for those who find it all too hard and want to wander off singing to themselves instead.

Adapting the inspirational quotes usually covering the walls of gyms, Gymbox has used some of the powerful Brexit claims made by those delivering it, including Brexit secretary Dominic Raab’s utopian vow that ‘there will be adequate food’ once the UK exits the EU.

It follows research by the chain which showed more than half the 500 members interviewed listed Brexit as their major London bugbear.

Julian Hall, anger management expert at Calm People said: ‘Research shows that aerobic exercise can be linked to the reduction in negative thoughts and feelings and there’s no doubt the uncertainty, stress, and tension over Brexit is spilling out into normal people’s lives.

‘Many of my clients use exercise as a meaningful and healthy part of their toolkit to manage their anger and this class is the perfect way to release the pent-up energy that anger creates.’

Gymbox spokesman Rory McEntee said: ‘It doesn’t matter if you’re In or Out, Brexit has become more anger-inducing than a flimsy Jeremy Corbyn apology.

“We’re always looking at innovative ways to motivate and challenge our members and we quickly realised Brexit is a great topic to get them fired up.

‘We actually invited Boris Johnson to attend the class although he would have been bonking mad to turn up. The punchbag with his face on has gotten plenty of action though.

“While there’s nothing certain about our EU exit we are certain this is London’s best gym class for releasing frustration.”

Johnson was named as the politician that members said they would most like to punch, polling at 40%. Jeremy Corbyn came second with 24% and Ukip MEP Nigel Farage got 19% of votes.

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