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Brexiteers still to hold party on March 29th – despite UK not leaving EU

Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mogg MP. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

Brexiteers will still hold their celebratory drinks on Friday to mark Britain leaving the EU, because invitations to 200 people were sent out before the date changed.

Leave Means Leave, the main campaign group supporting a no-deal Brexit, are expecting to go ahead with the indulgent Brexiteer party at Millbank Tower, despite the extension to Article 50.

It will take place in the same venue as where Nigel Farage celebrated the EU referendum result in June 2016.

Supporters of the group that could attend include Farage, Labour MP Kate Hoey, and Conservative MPs including Jacob-Rees Mogg, John Redwood, and Sir Desmond Swayne.

Leave Means Leave chairman Richard Tice told the Daily Telegraph: ‘It will either be a celebration if we leave on Friday or more likely a review of where we are and what we have got to do.’

The ‘Big Brexit Bash’ takes place after the Leave Means Leave protest in Parliament Square on the same day.

Best for Britain supporter Virendra Sharma MP said it was ‘tragic’.

‘The Brexiters have been obsessed with celebrating this totally arbitrary exit date for the UK’s departure. But most of the country won’t be celebrating when they realise how close to the cliff-edge these Brexit fanatics have taken us.

‘This tasteless celebration is a kick in the teeth for the hard-working people of this country who would see their jobs slashed under a no-deal scenario. It’s time for politicians to give the public the final say on Brexit.’

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