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Brexit baubles: DIY Christmas decorations perfect for Remainers

Brexit baubles: 5 DIY Christmas decorations perfect for Remainers - Credit: Archant

Print and cut out The New European Christmas decorations for a positively European Christmas

Print and cut out The New European Brexit baubles – Credit: Archant

This Christmas, spread a little European cheer with Rexit the red-nosed Remainer.

Brexit baubles: 5 DIY Christmas decorations perfect for Remainers – Credit: Archant

Brexit baubles – Credit: Archant

How to have a pro-remain Christmas

1. Download our free Christmas tree ornaments template

2. Print and cut out the colourful decorations

3. Hang on your Christmas tree

4. Place inside Christmas cards and send to your Leave-voting friends (or spread some festive cheer by decorating their tree for them)

5. No festive scene would be complete without a few snowflakes – check out this easy how-to video to make a snowflake that won’t melt in even the most heated of Brexit debates.

Brexit baubles: 5 DIY Christmas decorations perfect for Remainers – Credit: Archant

6. Take a picture of your tree complete with TNE decorations and tweet us @TheNewEuropean or email

We wish EU a merry Christmas!

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