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Brexit Party founder booted for Islamophobia backs Boris Johnson’s Tories

Catherine Blaiklock - founder of the Brexit Party. Photograph: Archant. - Credit: Archant

The founder of the Brexit Party Catherine Blaiklock, who was forced out of the party after posting Islamophobic comments has now backed Boris Johnson’s Conservatives.

It “shows quite how far this Conservative Party has sunk”, say the Liberal Democrats.

Blaiklock founded the party and registered its name before Farage took over as leader. Blaiklock went on to accuse Farage of going on a “monumental ego trip” and said his strategy for the election had been a “disaster”.

Blaiklock resigned after Hope Not Hate uncovered a number of anti-Islam messages she made on social media.

One of the messages she shared was from a former BNP activist who referred to “white genocide”.

She apologised for the comments at the time which she said “were unacceptable in tone and content”.

The Liberal Democrat deputy leader Ed Davey said: “Blaiklock joins a long list of unsavoury characters, including Tommy Robinson, who are now backing Boris Johnson.

“The fact that Sir John Major, Michael Heseltine and others are urging voters to keep the Tories out of power shows quite how far this Conservative Party has sunk.”

READ MORE: Two Brexit Party officials sacked over racist commentsREAD MORE: Investigation uncovers fresh racist and Islamophobic slurs from Brexit Party activistsThe Labour Party chairman Ian Lavery said: “The Tories are backed by the likes of Tommy Robinson and Tory candidates that have spread the far-right conspiracy theory that the photo of four-year-old Jack Williment-Barr was a hoax.”

Meanwhile a Brexit Party spokesperson said: “Shocking story of Tory says vote Tory. I thought it was very odd – she was thrown out of the party for a collective of isms”.

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