Nigel Farage has told supporters that instead of publishing an election manifesto, the Brexit Party will issue ‘a contract with the British people’, according to reports.
The party – which is formally registered as a company – will release “a contract with the British people – we will not call it a manifesto,” Farage is reported to have told supporters in Worthington.
“Let the others call theirs manifestos, nobody will believe a word they say,” he is quoted as saying.
The remarks were tweeted by Telegraph journalist Christoper Hope who is embedded with the party for the election campaign.
This is the second election that the party has refused to issue a manifesto, saying before the EU elections only that it was fighting “on the issue of democracy”.
MORE: Nigel Farage REFUSES to publish a Brexit Party manifesto until after EU electionsAs for a full manifesto, Farage promised: “We will talk about all those things after May 23.”
But other than broad-brush priorities outlined on the party website, no manifesto has appeared.
Farage also promised in July that the Brexit Party would be “the most democratic party in the whole of the country”.
“What we’re going to do is put the big policy decisions out to the registered supporters, and they will vote and decide policy online,” he told Sky News Australia.
These direct democracy methods have not yet transpired at the launch of the 2019 general election.
The notion of a ‘contract’ is in tune with the corporate structure of the Brexit Party.
As a limited company it does not have scope for membership, only supporters, and has no mechanism for the deposing of its leader.
The New European has contacted the Brexit Party for comment.