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October 19th will go down as one of the most important days in political history

The People's Vote March in London. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

As MPs prepare for a fresh Brexit showdown, People’s Vote campaigners are preparing for history to be mad. ERICA RAMOS, vice-president of the National Union of Students, explains why we should all march on October 19th.

We already know that next Saturday, October 19th, is the day of what could be one of the biggest marches in history. Thousands of people on over 170 coaches will be travelling from across the UK to take part. History will be made.

Now, we know the day has the added significance of being the day when MPs will sit in parliament and decide the future of Brexit.

If a deal has been agreed, which seems unlikely, MPs will have the choice to vote for it. If a deal has not been agreed, there may be a range of options presented to them, including leaving with no deal or a confirmatory referendum.

We know a No Deal would be a disaster for our country. MPs from all parties, no matter their allegiance, should pay heed to recent polling that says that all of the evidence comes to the conclusion that the British public now want to stay in the EU – they have changed their minds. Any MP that votes to leave with no deal, or with a deal that does not include a referendum, is denying people the opportunity for greater democracy.

MPs from all parties have been won over towards a People’s Vote, and it’s not too late to win over some more. That’s why the march could be so pivotal to any on the day decisions MPs may make.

MORE: Everything you need to know about the People’s Vote march

The People’s Vote march will be happening at the very moment that the issue is being decided.

It could not be more important that as many people as possible get out on the streets of central London on October 19th to fight for the final say in our future. To show parliament that this is the true will of the people, that every single person marching on the day is representing the will of the people.

It is especially important to the thousands of young people who will be leading the march next Saturday. Many of which will not just be marching to have the final say, but those enfranchised since who will be marching to have their first say on Brexit.

As the vice president of the NUS, I have met hundreds of young people who feel dismayed for their future, who feel that MPs simply aren’t listening to them. These are the people who will have to live with the consequences of whatever MPs decide next week for the longest. We are scared, and we will fight to stop our fears from realising.

Brexit is an issue that will decide the future for generations to come, it will dictate our economy, our foreign policy, and the way in which we govern our own country. For the sake of democracy, and because of the consequences facing us – the people need to have a final say.

When MPs are in Westminster deciding the future of Brexit on October 19th, they should look out of the window, to the people, for guidance.

– Erica Ramos is vice president of the NUS and a campaigner with the youth anti-Brexit campaign For our Future’s Sake.

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