A Brexiteer has dismissed warnings from the UK’s major supermarkets that there could be a shortage of food in the most baffling way.
On the day that a letter was sent to MPs from major stores warning against a no-deal Brexit, BBC News turned to the streets of Britain to get some expert advice on what it could all mean.
While a number of those interviewed recognised food shortages could be a consequence of a no-deal Brexit, the last person the BBC spoke to claimed it was ‘scaremongering’ – before suggesting it would be a good thing.
He said: ‘It’s purely scaremongering. As far as I’m concerned it would do the country good to go without for a little while. Make them appreciate what they’ve had.’
The bizarre moment on the News at Six was shared across social media.
MORE: DUP tell people to ‘go to the chippy’ after issue of food shortages raised
MORE: Brexiteer advocating World Trade Organisation rules cannot name one rule
The clip has since been shared all over social media and people are pretty dumbfounded by what they saw.
Glynis Elliot tweeted: ‘So an old fellow on BBC News just now says ‘it will do the country good to go without food for a while’. I hope he is the first to go hungry.’
Alexander Sliwinski said: ‘Welcome to Brexit! Today the supermarkets and restaurants announced there won’t be food from the continent in a no deal scenario. This dude right here goes from ‘it’s scaremongering’ to starvation will ‘do the country good’ in seven seconds. How does one parse these two things?’