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Weather forecast suggests it could rain on the Brexiteers’ parade

Dark clouds and blue skies over the Palace of Westminster, London. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Things look set to go from bad to worse for Nigel Farage’s Brexit celebrations as the weather forecasts predicts rain on Friday.

The Brexit Party leader has encountered a number of setbacks in his bid to run a party in Parliament Square.

Fireworks are not allowed to be set off to mark the 11pm departure time, a crowdfunder to get Big Ben to bong failed, and Boris Johnson has shunned an invitation to speak just before the big moment.

It meant Leave Means Leave – the organisation behind the event – had to seemingly u-turn on a decision to charge people for the event, with organisers now asking for donations instead.

Now it appears that it could rain on the Brexiteers’ parade as the weather forecasts turns gloomier for London on Friday.

After originally predicting a relatively dry day, the BBC now expects light rain throughout most of the day with a moderate breeze.

It could also cause problems for Brexiteer MP Mark Francois, who is planning to stay up all night and watch the sun rise the next day.

“I’m not going to bed. I’m going to stay and watch the sun rise on a free country,” he told the Mail on Sunday.

While Brexiteers plan their celebrations in Westminster, Remainers are expected to congregate for a procession on Friday afternoon.

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