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Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg now has a pro-EU Lib Dem councillor

Jacob Rees-Mogg in his Somerset home. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg has a new councillor – a pro-European Liberal Democrat.

Lib Dem David Wood beat Conservative Tim Warren, who was leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council, in the Mendip ward.

Rees-Mogg, who has consistently called for politicians to respect the wishes of the will of the people, may feel somewhat conflicted after voters in his local area elected 20 new Lib Dems.

It means that the whole of the Bath and North East Somerset council has now transferred to the anti-Brexit Lib Dem party from the pro-Brexit Tories.

This is in addition to the Green MEP, Molly Scott Cato, who represents the region.

Former Conservative council leader Tim Warren said he had been given a kicking for something that ‘wasn’t our fault’ and blamed Brexit.

He explained: ‘I don’t think people are happy. The people that voted to remain blame us for leaving and the people that voted to leave blame us because we haven’t left yet.

‘I think it’s almost anti-political. I think a lot of people didn’t turn out and I think they want to punish us for a lack of action in government, if I am honest.

‘I’m sure there are one or two things we’ve done locally they don’t like but on a whole I think its national issues.

‘The guy who took my seat did a great campaign and when you are running a council you have to work full-time and I didn’t have the time to match him.

‘It sounds a bit cheap to blame anybody but Brexit didn’t help.’

Lib Dem Councillor David Wood said of Jacob Rees-Mogg: ‘I look forward to speaking to him at the weekend, see why he thinks.’

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