Newspaper reports have claimed that Buckingham Palace chiefs demanded to see the Queen’s Speech earlier than expected as trust in Number 10 hit ‘rock bottom’.
According to The Sun, the Queen’s senior aides insisted that the speech was delivered early to avoid any last minute changes being made by Boris Johnson that could have embarrassed the monarch.
Boris Johnson’s aides were given Tuesday as the deadline to send over their proposed text – which was also the same day each minister had been given an opportunity to put forward their own amendments.
It meant cabinet ministers were denied their opportunity to change the speech.
A cabinet minister told the newspaper: “No10 is pretty worried they’ve hit rock bottom with the palace so they wanted to get the speech in early.
“That left quite a lot of departments upset and in a flap, as a few things weren’t ready. It’s all been pretty messy and frantic.”
Johnson is said to now be as distrusted by Buckingham Palace as David Cameron, who revealed details of his phone calls with her majesty in his latest book.
Last month the prime minister was forced to apologise to the Queen last month after 11 judges ruled that his decision to prorogue parliament for five weeks was unlawful.