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‘What have I done to my country?’ – Leave voter breaks down in tears

James O'Brien on his LBC radio programme. Photograph: LBC/Global. - Credit: Archant

A Leave voter has broken down in tears live on the radio after admitted he was wrong to back Brexit.

The caller, who admitted he was a bit of an ‘old-fashioned git’, called James O’Brien’s LBC radio show to say he felt he was wrong to back Brexit.

‘I owe you an apology my dear, fellow. I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong,’ the caller from Exmouth said. ‘I think you’re absolutely right.’

‘I was wrong, I am so sorry. What have I done to my country? I’m so sorry,’ the man known as Bill continued.

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But James told him: ‘Bill, there’s 17.4 million people. You can’t take all the blame on your own shoulders.

‘Look at the effort. These people are billionaires. They own The Ritz, they own the Daily Telegraph.

‘They wouldn’t have spent all that money and put all that effort into trying to act against your own interests if they didn’t think it was plausible.

‘I’m not going to let you blame yourself, Bill, no.

MORE: ‘Are the ERG running this country?’ – Soubry blasts government for forcing her to abstain in Brexit vote’Blame them, Bill, blame them. Do not blame yourself. Don’t be sorry, be angry. And if you’re not angry yet, I’ll be angry on your behalf.’That right there is why I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing for the last two and a half years.’His call came on the day that Theresa May appeared to be facing a leadership challenge as a number of ministers walked away from the cabinet.

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