An MP has perfectly illustrated just how little support there is for Theresa May’s deal in the Houses of Common by asking Tories to put their hands in the air if they support it.
Labour’s Chris Leslie MP stood up in the Commons as Theresa May was taking questions on her Brexit deal – shortly after she had been rocked by a number of resignations from her cabinet.
He told the Commons: ‘We’ve been going for an hour now, it is quite clear not a single member has supported the plans that the prime minister has set out, so it is quite clear she cannot command the House of Commons on these proposals.’
And to demonstrate just how May did not have support for the plans he asked MPs to make themselves known if they were backing the PM.
He said: ‘I’m almost tempted to ask if the honourable members opposite will put their hands up if they support the prime minister on these set of proposals.’
As the Tories were reluctant to do so, Leslie pointed out ‘not one!’
He continued: ‘She says remaining in the European Union is an option how can the British people fulfil their choice if that is what they choose.’
The prime minister said she ‘didn’t quite hear the question’ and then denied she had said Brexit might not happen?’
May denied having heard a question in his comments before responding: ‘No I said there was a risk of no Brexit all.’
‘What the government is determined to do is deliver on the vote the British people took to leave the European Union.’