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Newly-elected Brexit Party MEP says she wants to lose her ‘stupid job’

Claire Fox appears on the BBC's Politics Live. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Newly-elected Member of European Parliament Claire Fox has said she wants to lose her ‘stupid MEP job’ and says she is backing Boris Johnson to make sure it happens.

Claire Fox with fellow Brexit Party MEPs. Photo: Peter Summers/Getty – Credit: Getty Images

The Brexiteer – who was elected just three weeks ago – said she was not sure whether or not she entirely trusts Johnson to deliver on his promises to take the UK out of the EU by October 31st, but said she supported the Tory leadership contestant because she is “fed up of soundbite politicians”.

She told the BBC: “I’ve got no interest in who runs the Conservative party except that if he did get us out by October 31 that would be brilliant for me as I’d lose my stupid MEP job, that I don’t want.”

Somewhat baffling the Politics Live panel, she continued: “I don’t know if you understood why we stood, we did not stand for jobs for life by the way.”

“We stood because we were making a point about democracy and about Brexit.

“I don’t know if I trust Boris but I think the idea that he is gaffe-prone isn’t necessarily going to be the thing that the public are going to be put off by.

She added: “I think Boris probably expresses this best that this disillusion and despair about politicians, in general, can lead to a democratic crisis.”

Viewers watched in amazement and took to social media to express their fury.

Mr B tweeted: “Will Claire Fox take the stupid money and if she is eligible the stupid pension, from her stupid MEP job?”

David Vaughan said: “Claire Fox just confessed she wants to get rid of her ‘stupid MEP job’. Seems to be a joke to her. This is why people have lost all faith in politicians.”

April Weston said: “Claire Fox our North West MEP just said ‘it’s a stupid job that I don’t want’. Please give it up then? To someone who will fight tooth and nail for our region.”

The former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party represents the North West England constituency, after the Brexit Party beat the Labour Party in the poll.

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