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Planting of ‘Brexit Tree’ will symbolise the UK’s loss on March 29

Undated handout artist's impression courtesy of Clemens Wilhelm of the 'Brexit Tree', a weeping willow which will be planted by the Berlin-based artist and film-maker on the day the UK leaves the EU, a symbol of loss and healing, as a commission for Scottish arts organisation Deveron Projects. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Friday December 28, 2018. See PA story ARTS Brexit. Photo credit should read: Clemens Wilhelm/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder. - Credit: PA

An artist will plant a weeping willow to symbolise the UK’s ‘sorrow’ on the day that it leaves the EU.

Clemens Wilhelm said the Brexit tree will be an ‘ambivalent image for an ambivalent moment’ in history.

He will plant the tree on the banks of the River Deveron, close to Huntly Castle in Aberdeenshire, on March 29 to mark the day the UK is expected to leave the EU.

The Berlin-based artist and film-maker will be joined at sunset by people from Huntly and beyond in a special event to mark the day.

He told the Press Association: ‘I have chosen the weeping willow as it is a tree that symbolises loss and sorrow, but it is also one that evokes healing.

‘Since the Middle Ages weeping willows have been seen as symbols of lost love, mourning and sorrow, but there are much older sources from Babylon, China and pre-Christian northern Europe that speak of the weeping willow as the tree of healing and magic, because the bark of willows contains salycyl, a substance similar to modern day aspirin which has been used to cure illnesses since ancient times.

‘The Brexit Tree is an ambivalent image for an ambivalent moment in British, European and world history.

‘Many people in Britain and the world feel an intense sorrow and loss because of Brexit.

‘However, more than half of British voters opted to leave the EU and one should assume that they are hopeful and see Brexit as the beginning of a positive new era.

‘Just like Brexit, the weeping willow combines both of these opposing feelings – loss and healing – and unites them in its outstanding beauty.

‘Let us also not get lost in political divisions, but together look to the bigger problems that we are facing as humanity in this age, such as global warming and climate change.’

Wilhelm is the latest international artist to be commissioned by Scottish arts organisation Deveron Projects.

Claudia Zeiske, director of Deveron Projects, said: ‘The aim of this project is both to mark this historic day with the planting of a tree as a living memorial to this momentous event, and also to create a new peaceful place for people from both Brexit camps to unite again.’

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