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Climate activist says she hasn’t had an apology from MP who manhandled her

Mark Field has referred himself to the cabinet office for investigation after he marched a climate protester out of a banquet. Picture: BBC - Credit: BBC

Tory MP Mark Field is still yet to apologise directly to the female climate change protester he manhandled out of a high-profile black tie dinner.

Greenpeace activist Janet Barker said they entered Mansion House where the chancellor was giving a speech on Thursday in a very dignified and calm manner.

Armed only with what the 40-year-old described as “peer reviewed science”, Barker said their protest did not end as they had wished.

Speaking to reporters outside Greenpeace UK’s office, the activist who is originally from Wigan, said she does not intend to press charges against Field.

Asked for her thoughts on his apology and suspension as a government minister, she said: “I haven’t had an apology from him.

“My priority is the planet and the future of it and that’s what I am focusing on.

“The Tory government can sort out their own staff and discipline them as they see fit.”

Revealing she felt very tired this morning, Barker said she was “shaken up” after the incident, and did not “expect that kind of reaction”.

“I was expecting a conversation, a dialogue with people. But I certainly didn’t expect that. But I’m fine,” she added.

Quizzed on whether she accepts the actions of the demonstrators might have caused alarm, she said their message and peaceful intent was clear – something she reiterated as she was physically forced from the room.

“There was over 300 people in that room at the time and there was only one that reacted in that way,” she said.

“We had that message, we had the climate emergency, and I think it was quite obvious that we were there for that reason – for a peaceful protest and we weren’t armed.

“I was armed with peer reviewed science – the message that we were giving out. That’s all I was armed with.”

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