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Third attempt to produce a commemorative Brexit 50p coin underway

The original design for the special 50p coin marking Brexit. Photograph: HM Treasury/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

The government has ordered a new commemorative Brexit 50p coin after the delay to the UK’s exit from the EU forced the Royal Mint to destroy the previous batches.

Ex-chancellor Philip Hammond originally announced plan for a commemorative coin for March 29th, but had to scrap the plans when Theresa May’s Brexit deal failed.

Chancellor Sajid Javid then ordered a production of the celebratory coins in advance of the original departure date of October 31st.

The delay meant about a million coins had to be melted down and the metal put aside until a new departure date was confirmed.

After a meeting of the Privy Council this week, the Queen issued a proclamation that new “gold, silver and cupro-nickel coins” will be minted with the updated departure date of January 31.

They will also feature the slogan “Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations”.

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