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Tory ‘get Brexit done’ bus breaks down leaving party stranded on housing estate

The Conservative Party have been branded 'Trumpian' and condemned by the UK's Society of Editors after banning a report from the Daily Mirror from their bus. Photo: Stefan Rousseau / PA - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

The Conservative Party election battlebus has broken down, leaving the party on a housing estate.

The Conservative Party election campaign bus temporarily left stranded on a housing estate in Bedford after a technical fault rendered it unsafe to drive. Photograph: Harriet Line/PA Wire. – Credit: PA

Journalists and Tory staffers were stuck at the new development in Bedford on the “Get Brexit Done” bus for around 45 minutes because of a fault with the electric wing mirror.

The driver eventually fixed the problem on the Mercedes-Benz Tourismo coach, which was unveiled by the prime minister at an event last week.

Boris Johnson was not on board at the time, having travelled by train to the housing development in Wixams, Bedford, earlier on Thursday.

MORE: Tories branded ‘Trumpian’ after banning Mirror reporter from campaign bus

The coach is used to transport travelling journalists, Conservative Party staff and occasionally Johnson and his inner circle on the general election campaign trail.

Twitter reacted in a typical fashion to the news…

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