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‘Quit while you’re behind’ – Crowdfunder launched to refund ‘cheated’ Brexit marchers

Nigel Farage's Leave Means Leave protest in Sunderland. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) - Credit: AP

A crowdfunder has been launched to refund the ’40-odd’ people remaining on Nigel Farage’s pro-Brexit march.

Nigel Farage announces the Leave Means Leave protest from Sunderland to London. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

The Just Giving page has been launched by The New European editor Matt Kell,y in response to the miserable turnout for the two-week Leave Means Leave ‘Brexit Betrayal March’.

The protest, which started with approximately 200 people, has diminished to fewer than 50 within two days.

The fundraiser aims to raise £2,000 to refund each of the remaining marchers the £50 back that they paid ‘in good faith’ to attend a large-scale event in solidarity with former UKIP leader Farage.

Backers, however, have since claimed that for ‘security’ purposes the number of marchers was always intended to be capped at 200.

A social media post mocks Nigel Farage. Photograph: Twitter. – Credit: Archant

Farage, who has since conceded he would only be participating in a small part of the march, appears to have ‘abandoned’ those participating in the protest as it passes through Hartlepool, Pontefract, Doncaster and Wellingborough.

MORE: ‘Don’t compare it to the People’s Vote march’, plead Brexit protest organisers

MORE: All you need to know about the People’s Vote march

So far 6% of the target – £122 in total – has been raised with existing donations paid out of sympathy for those who were ‘lied to and cheated’.

In a tweet directed at Nigel Farage, crowdfunder organiser Kelly said: ‘Can’t you do the humanitarian thing and let those 40 #MarchToLeave people go back to their beds? As a PR disaster for you, it’s only going to get worse. Quit while you’re behind.’

• To donate to the crowdfunder log on to the Just Giving website.

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