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Daily Mail readers spark fury with call to support US gunman who killed two Black Lives Matter protesters

A protester places a bottle Wednesday night, Aug. 26, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis., at the scene where someone was fatally shot Tuesday night during demonstrations over the Sunday shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, by police. A white, 17-year-old police admirer was arrested Wednesday in Tuesday's shootings. (AP Photo/David Goldman) - Credit: AP

Daily Mail readers who have called for a US gunman who killed two Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors in Wisconsin to have his legal costs covered have sparked fury online.

The subscribers heaped praise on 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse who was recently charged with the first degree homicide of two BLM protesters after opening fire on them during the second night of protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

On Tuesday, Rittenhouse travelled 20 miles from his home in Antioch, Illinois to join a local militia claiming to defend Kenosha from another night of violent street protests which has seen property vandalised or destroyed by demonstrators angered over the killing of unarmed Black man Jacob Blake who was shot several times in the back.

Disturbing videos from Tuesday night’s protests show Rittenhouse walking through the streets with an AR-15 before the shootings and appearing to surrender to cops after them.

He walked straight right through the police entourage with his hands in the air while other protestors yelled at the cops to arrest him. He was not arrested until the following day at his home in Antioch.

Daily Mail readers praised the gun-toting teen. Under ‘best rated’ comments on an article published about the teen’s arrest, one reader wrote: ‘This guy is a hero, we need to raise funds for his defence and rig the jury so he gets away with it.’

Another said: ‘I watched this happen in real time on a fb [Facebook] livestream. Dude was defending himself. So many people here have lost their minds.’

A third claimed Rittenhouse was a ‘hero of the counter-revolution! God Bless Him’.

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A user by the name SweenyToddler, who comes from Bristol, said Rittenhouse deserved a ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’ while another UK subscriber suggested setting up a GoFundMe page to help pay for the gunman’s court costs.

One US reader said Rittenhouse had shown ‘admirable restraint’ when faced by angry demonstrators while another said: ‘If he gets charged it will ONLY be because of liberal cancel culture ideas.’

Leonidaslives said he was willing to relocate to Kenosha just to serve on the jury and ‘acquit’ the teen.

Another called the charges ‘complete nonsense’ while MileHigh from Denver said: ‘Put me on the jury. He’d be acquitted after hearing the opening statement’.

The comments were shared on Twitter, resulting in considerable backlash from the public.

@destryagain accused Rittenhouse of deliberately trying to pick a fight. They wrote: ‘[Rittenhouse] Drove 20 miles to get into a fight which had nothing to do with him so he could ‘defend himself’.’

Daniel Stephenson asked: ‘At what point does the racist cesspit of the Daily Mail stop being funny and start being depressing?’

@angiemythen wrote: ‘This is after less that 4 years of Trump. Imagine 4 more.’

Another video also emerged showing the gunman sitting at the front row at Trump rally in Des Moins, Iowa back in January.

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